Thursday, October 31, 2019

Review of Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Review of Research Methods - Essay Example Another important problem is that a number of methods used in modern researches are not appropriate to each certain case. In this case the very idea of empirical survey is deteriorated and the results leave much to be desired. In both instances the retrieved results are far from reality and need substantial clarification. At the same time, properly selected and carefully employed research methods can be dramatically important in each type of either a survey or analysis of existing quantitative data. Correctly (from methodological perspective) received and interpreted data would provide a researcher with a variety of information and findings concerning different aspects of problem researched. The abovementioned makes the question of methods effectiveness and appropriateness to each certain case extremely important. This project will examine appropriateness and effectiveness of research methods suggested in each of three suggested case studies below. The case studies provided for the analysis are dedicated to the same research problem, i.e.: examination of neighborhood effect on people's health behavior, particularly walking and smoking. All three case studies hypothesized that there is a significant influence of neighborhood on people's health behavior. However, each of them focused on identification of specific community factors that may influence this or that behavior. Each of these studies is based on representative samplings and includes the data from all-national (regional) surveys in the US or Canada. Alternative methods used were telephone surveys and observation of communities. Statistical methods in all three cases included different types of regressions that allows define the impact of one variable/variables (independent variable) on another one/ones (dependent variable). The project of C. Ross (2000) is dedicated to the general problem of health behavior. The author hypothesizes that neighborhood could affect health behaviors. Ross (2000) assumed that people from poor communities and with humble backgrounds (e.g.: poor education, low income, etc.) are more likely to smoke and reversely less likely to take exercises and walk. This assumption is based on two social-psychological models of influence in "community-person" system, i.e.: contagion theory and structural perspective. The first theory states that people are influenced by others surrounding them. The second approach believes that surrounding presents their neighbors with both constrains (fears, prejudices, etc.) and opportunities and resources (courts, playgrounds, pools, etc). The representative sampling (multilevel-data sampling) included the residents of Illinois (USA) selected according to the criteria of poverty and education of both the people and their neighborhoods. Other socio-demographic criteria included into the sampling were race, gender, age, household income, individual poverty, marital status, etc. The data for the sampling was taken from 1995 survey of Community, Health and Crime. The interviews were telephone-based and included both closed and open-ended questions. The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tintern Abbey by William Wordsworth Essay Example for Free

Tintern Abbey by William Wordsworth Essay How TINTERN ABBEY evolves from beginning to end is in a truly reflective state upon the five years that had passed since he had last visited the ruins of the abbey. The ruin of the abbey, perhaps can be compared to the aging of man and the inevitably of aging, however, the abbey still stands as does natutre and its eternal splendor. The poem starts immediately with an adjective, rolling referring to the waters coming down from the mountain springs which do not disturb the murmur of the river: These waters, rolling from their mountain-springs/With a sweet murmur. (3-4). The gentle, quietness of the river Wye which Wordworth adored and the visual picture of the rolling of the water from the mountain springs give the reader a feeling of serenity. The tone of the poem is calm and mediative and Wordsworth describes the landscape and compares it to the quiet of the sky: The landscape with the quiet of the sky.(8). The plots of land surrounding his dear land are lovingly described with the color, green. He gives the woods an almost human personality with the use of the verb, runin line l7; Of sportive wood run wild; these paastoral farms (l7). The life of the woods surrounding the Abbey are almost given human like qualities in order to show how man is and must be part of nature. In the third stanza of the poem his tone changes and he almost becomes angry at the fact that he had left the abbey and returned to a life which had left him unfullfilled; How often has my spirit turned to thee!(58). In lines 89-92, For I have learned /To look on nature, not as in the hour/Of thoughtless youth, but hearing oftentimes/The still, sad music of humanity,(89-92) his tone becomes morose in reflecting upon the lack of human appreciation of nature. He uses obvious, but knowing adjectives in round ocean and living air: And the round ocean, and the living air (99) and attributes that are obvious to the conditions of the ocean and air, but to reflect upon the obvious and constancy of nature. The irony of the strengthening of his relationship with his sister, Dorothy takes place with his return to the abbey with Dorothy and he feels a freedom which he had lacked in the outside world. He feels protected in the woods, a plce of refuge which is reinforced by the dearness and closeness of his sister presence. The freedom to be himself and enjoy the beauty and tranquility that nature can provide, in a treasured place which was sacred to him, set away from the city gosssip and fast life, the ironic greetings of people who really dont care; Nor greetings where not kindness is, not all (13l). are all approaches and techniques that Wordsworth uses in order to et his reader into his head and allow the presence and grandeur . The autobiographical fact that Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy returned to live in the Lake District at the end of l799 reinformces how important the locale meant to he and his sister. Wordsworths wish for his sister in this poem is that she be happy and joyous in her surroundings and protect her from the gossip and cruelty of the outside world and that the serenity and calmness of nature keep her at peace; Therefore let the moon/ Shine on thee in thy solitary walk (l35-6). In stanza 4 Wordsworth becomes like a preacher in tone and when he says, That in this moment there is life and food/For future years(65-6) he seems to be teaching the reader a lesson that youth is spent in concrete form. HE alluded to the carnal nature of his youth; (The coarser pleasures of my boyish days/And their glad animalmovements all gone by,) (74-5) and welcomes his appreciation of nature and the caklmness it brings; other gifts/Have followed, for such loss, I would believe(87-8). Youth is eternal in the heart that appreciates the majesty and sublimness of nature is just what Wordsworth is trying to relate in Stanza 4 and his tone changes from descriptive to joyous and appreciative and relates his soul to nature. The sensualness of his return to the Abbey is reflected in lines 26-32; But oft, in lonely rooms, and mid the din/Of towns and cities, I have owed to them,/In hours of weariness, sensations sweet,/(26-32)renews the newness and hope of his youth and reaffirms his unit y with nature. The central description of the poem comes from muted visions of his prior visit to the Abbwy and his reminsceses in the concrete, visceral encompassing freedom of the woods. His reflection upon mans eternity and mortal life are addressed when he says; Until, the breath of this corporeal frame,/And even the motion of human blood/ALmost suspended, we are laid asleep/In body, and become a living soul: (44-47) the word, motion gives notice to the motion and vitality of nature which is eternal and contrasts and contradicts the long-lived life on man on earth. He is trying to reflect, himself on his place in the world in relation to nature, and also to allow the reader to reflect on his position and relation with the world of nature. Burial, return to the earth, part of nature again, the eternal circle of life, to be rejoiced.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Marketing strategies of Burberry

Marketing strategies of Burberry The marketing of the business will focus on providing value to the customers both through the products sold and information provided through online outlets (Schultz and Kitchen, 2000). The basic ploy for Burberry has always been to have a signature trend this is perhaps the most exciting and dynamic part of their management strategy, and they have managed to keep that aspect alive from conception to the modern day products as well (Clancy et al, 2000). One pattern that they have always fallen back on as a signature of their brand has been the distinguishable tartan pattern. This is a huge advantage for a retail marketing plan as having a signature like that can be used very effectively in the displays and designs used to further spread the image of the brand. Furthermore, another major advantage for designing the retail marketing plan for Burberry is that it has an iconic product like the trench coat which can also be used intelligently in retail marketing. The basic idea of the retail marketing plan for Burberry here is to design a marketing mix that will work best with the management techniques already being applied in the company (Day, 2004). The Burberry Group plc is a very popular and successful clothing and fashion line based out of London, UK (Day, 2004). The Burberry brand also incorporates a manufacturing industry for all its clothing as well as relevant fashion accessories for a specific group. Burberry has already made its name retailing their trademarks across branded outlets all over the world and in multi-outlet malls (Finch, 2005). Furthermore, it already has five established brands that are globally recognized, which are: Burberry London the core branding image Thomas Burberry Burberry Brit Burberry Sport Burberry Prorsum (Finch, 2005). SITUATION ANALYSIS The purpose of designing and implementing a retail marketing plan now is to make sure that the overall sales ratio of the Burberry brand increases on the international front. This of course cant without first conducting the SWOT and PEST analysis on the global scale as well. SWOT: The core strength is established brand recognition and established trademark style. Established media and distribution network also adds up to its potency. The major weakness arises as it is a premium product and hence can only aim for upper income families as opposed to the masses with its high price range. It has limited spread in the Asian market. Opportunity would be Chinas booming fashion industry as it could be a great venture. Threat is from newer and cheaper brands offering same product range globally. PEST: There is little pressure politically on the brand. In fact it has support as Queen Elizabeth II and Prince of Wales both have given Royal grants to the brand in the past. The European economic crisis is a great threat to the pricing of Burberry and hence calls for a repositioning of the price rationale. There are very few social limitations in developing countries. The social cultures are very different. The apparels consumed differ demographically and culturally. The technically developed countries are the major markets to enter. The online shopping strategies are easy to implement and expand the shopping platform. OBJECTIVES Business to Customer Objectives: The smart objectives chosen for the retail marketing plan for Burberry are: Creating awareness: The primary aim of retail marketing plan is to make sure that the chosen brand is represented visually to the target audience, hence investing in designing the store or creative magazines, giveaways, etc will be the focus of this marketing plan. Furthermore, the marketing will be far more focused with this approach (Philip and Kevin 2006) Another aim would be to make sure that the retailing allows the customers to discover the product as a must-have which will deflect their attention from the pricing criteria. This can be done through focusing primarily on the product and its quality making the customers believe that they are investing in a product that is worth the price tag (Philip, 2008) The final aim will be to improve the overall percentage of sales for the company both locally and internationally. This will be done through timely, intelligent and cost-aware allocation of resources with the use of innovative management theories that will increase overall profit ratios and sales ratios (Schultz and Kitchen, 2000). Burberrys expansion into Europe would be a smart move particularly fashion locale, Paris and Beijing. Increasing franchising in Japan will be another smart move. The sales percentage anticipated would be at 6% in these countries. Deeper penetration in China by opening 8 stores. More details of sales forecasts are given in the later sections. Management Objectives (B2B): Marketing management is really crucial in all retail marketing plans as its only through the marketing strategies that the retail image can be sold (Joshi, 2005), hence some of the really important marketing management goals must include the following aspects: Consistent analysis of the progress of retail strategies. Recording customers response to retail designs and mediums. Managing personable associations with all complementary partners to accelerate the retail visibility for Burberry as well as conduct word-of-mouth advertising. Engaging not just the customers but also the employees i.e. to keep the motivation levels high in order to guarantee that the quality or intensity of the marketing plan does not falter after the first wave of activities. Keeping the above points in mind retail management goals, locally and internationally, must incorporate the following in the long run: Retain as well as increase the percentage of customers investing in and purchasing the brand (Joshi, 2005) Increase in sales by 6 % in 1st year 10% in 2nd year and 12% in 3rd year Increase revenue by channels Retailing: Increase by 5% through opening of new stores in Beijing and Paris. Licensing: Increase by 7% Leveraging franchise in Japan. STRATEGY Segmentation: The market segmentation for Burberry is every straight forward and can be divided into the following characteristics and personality aspects (Zinderman, 2009): Primary age group: 18-30 years old. Secondary age group: 30-40 years old (Zinderman, 2009) Students and working youngsters Preferably those with a strong sense of style and creative instinct (Zinderman, 2009) Families in the a higher income group i.e. with earnings that allow discretionary expense (Zinderman, 2009) Individuals who are not afraid to stand out in a crowd and single-handedly try to bring about a positive change (Zinderman, 2009) Pricing strategy: Since Burberry is a premium brand with its target audience belonging to the upper middle class, the pricing will complement that stance. Giveaways or small gifts will be priced from 40 pounds and upwards depending upon the intricate design of the gift chosen. Majority of the clothes will be priced between 200 pounds to and upwards of 1000 pounds and more ranging from items like scarves, cap and other smaller items being priced in the low ranges and the trademarked trench coats being priced in the upper ranges. Hence, the tactic of pricing used here is differential. The prices will of course be aimed to be lower than previously recorded by the branded due to the global expansion into economies that are experiencing financial crisis as well. Positioning Burberry as a fashion brand has the following factors that design its positioning and make it stand out from the rest High dependency on the latest and trendiest fashions this is well represented through the use of multiple product brands and lines that are launched in the competitive market. Hence each product line specializes in a certain type of demand which does not impact the quality of the end product either (Ries and Trout, 2000) Investing in the premium luxury accessories and fashion items this is done through the use of old and new license projects conducted with all the relevant business partners (Ries and Trout, 2000) Gap Dashboard The gap dashboard for Burberry can be designed using the marketing metrics. These metrics will be collected after at least a week of the product being open in the POS structure. All the stats will be recorded and then the gap dashboard will be used to conduct monthly comparison and analysis to see how the projected results match the anticipated results and how the progress complements the initial goals of the retail plan. The Gap Dashboard will allow the marketing manager as well as the CEO to assess where the loopholes lie for the inefficient achievement of market goals. The table (Appendix 1.1) shows a hypothetical anticipated result scenario for Burberry under this particular retail marketing plan (Lenskold, 2003). IMPLEMENTATION To complement the above goals, the following tactical strategies must be employed: In Japan, China and Paris: Using the facilities of IT and internet to spread word online using the various social network websites and outlets. This will also present more visual options for the company that could not be employed in other tangible retail activities (Joshi, 2005) Globally: Using the facilities of newsletters (online and offline) along with magazines, booklets, etc to showcase Burberrys creative angles and its past success (Keller, 2002) In Japan, China and Paris: Use sponsorship techniques for arts colleges and universities to scope out the real target market (as explained in the segmentation above) (Keller, 2002) Globally: Similarly, offering internship programs for local art museums and outlets to increase brand awareness (Keller, 2002) Globally: Aim to calculate the levels of customer satisfaction and compare them to prior rates to understand where the strengths and weaknesses of the strategy lay (Keller, 2002) Pricing logic: The prices will not be lowered so much so that they harm the image of the brand but minimal lowering of the prices will be done. The mark-up over the suppliers price will also be lowered than engagements to stay competitive i.e. it will be at around 80%. The brand will not need a penetration price as it does not aim to divert from its designated customer base (i.e. upper income families) and move into the masses. Price slashing and penetration are necessary if and when a brand chooses to expand into the masses. Web Plan Adaption process Using a proper website will be the primary way to market the retail outlet. Social media and the internet will the primary tool of communication in this marketing plan. It is important to note here that two marketing mixes can be used in this retail marketing plan: 1) mass marketing and 2) niche marketing. The social media can be an open call to masses whereas the use of customer relations on the selected outlets and franchises in specific areas would be a result of the niche marketing mix strategy. The following aspects will be highlighted in all social media presentations: A slideshow of all brands and product lines for the customers convenience Updated contact and outlet-location information Membership/ sponsorship and internship details Testimonials from business partners Event details and listings Links to similar businesses (this will be a two-way road where the link to Burberry will be on the links that Burberry lists in its website as well) The Social Media Approach The Retail plan will also aim to use the following social media outlets with similar features as mentioned above: Facebook Twitter For all recent developments and relevant fashion articles related to Burberry or other business partners YouTube For launching short creative films or marketing campaigns to promote the brand Discussion forums open to all customers, employees and management. This will be great to engage customers, make the brand more personable and recording customer response. Store Design Burberry outlet designed from this particular retail marketing plan will aim to have the following personality traits: funky, modern, chic, trademarked (tartan and trench coat patterns). The overall ambience of the outlet will be friendly and courteous. The design will be very open with a lot of natural light. The customer will be given total transparency to the products and their original sources. The aim will be to make every visit be a learning experience for the customer so that the customer leaves being more informed about the brand and how Burberry can represent them in the sea of brands. The store design will be aimed to be proactive in design and construction so that the customers are drawn in and left with a very clear cut image of the brand in their minds when they leave. This will also help word-of-mouth retail branding of the store as well as Burberry (Lenskold, 2003). CONTROL AND MONITORING Sales Forecast There is an expectation of sales to dip during the winter and summer seasons when the weather is uncomplimentary to the product ranges made available by Burberry. The graphs below show anticipated sales (monthly followed by yearly) on four major product lines: handcrafted or hand-stitched apparel, gift items and womens and mens items. The graphs are followed by a table of overall anticipated sales forecasts. Others factors included in the market research included market trends, consumer behaviours and economic conditions. Customer Expectation and Retention Customer Retention and response are very important aspects to assess the success or failure of any or all marketing plans (Patterson, 2008). The customer response suggested in this marketing plan mainly revolves around building strong and personable relationships and sustaining them in the long term. The pyramid below shows exactly that in two circumstances: one when the customers are in a group i.e. on social media and two when the customers are dealt on an individual level i.e. in the outlet or through direct marketing (contingency plan). The former shows a different marketing mix i.e. marketing to the masses whereas the latter shows niche marketing as the chosen marketing mix. Spending on Channels Spending on Channels is expected to range in the following figures. The key channels would be radio and online advertising. They are cheaper are cost effective. All units are in USD. Marketing Expense Budget Channels Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Radio Advertising 35,000 38,000 44,000 NewspaperMagazine Advertising 45,000 48,500 55,000 Online Advertising 55,000 65,000 70,000 Arts College Sponsorships 25,500 25,500 30,000 Customer Membership Discounts 15,000 15,000 17,000 Internship Offers 20,000 25,500 30,000 Other 15,000 16,000 20,000 (Refer to Appendix 1.7 for approximate costs and selected channels) During the 3rd year the spending has to be increased as the products reach maturity level. It is very important to extensively promote the declining product range. This is also a part of contingency plan. Contingency Plan The contingency plan for Burberry under the current circumstances includes a fresh and approach to the marketing mix that currently exists. The contingency plan must be to revert back to the original marketing techniques. The one that could be most useful is direct marketing. Businesses in the past have made use of direct marketing as a model of complete business or as a complementary to a wider incorporated marketing combination. A number of advantages can be gained from direct marketing by not only sellers but buyers too. Thus, the concept of direct marketing is gaining popularity and recognition. One of the major advantages that I feel a direct marketing plan will achieve is to engage all the parties involved from the manufacturers to the promoters to the web planners to the recruiters to the sales and marketing department. The figure below shows the interconnection of all these departments under the direct marketing plan followed by a table (Appendix 1.3) showing the sales estima tes for this contingency plan. RECOMMENDATION If the constructed plan works efficiently and hit the targets set in next 3 years, then the next major step would be setting up a high-class fashion institute in Paris and Beijing. The name would be Burberry Institute of fashion. Target students will be celebrity children, child artists and employee trainees. Education is a huge business. And this institute will also assist Burberry to showcase its fashion events and creativity development. CONCLUSION The marketing plan is designed to increase the overall performance of Burberry by increasing sales, revenue, brand value and customer satisfaction. References Clancy, K. J. and Kriegafsd P. C. (2000). Counter intuitive Marketing. The Free Press. Day, J. (2004). Burberry doffs its cap to chavs. Guardian.[online] available from [ March 22, 2011] Finch, J. (2005). GUS shareholders to receive Burberry cheque. Guardian News and Media. [online] available from [ March 22, 2011] Joshi, R. M. (2005). International Marketing, Oxford University Press, New Delhi and New York. Keller, K. L. (2002). Strategic Brand Management, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall. Lenskold, J. D. (2003). The Path to Campaign, Customer, and Corporate Profitability. McGraw-Hill Professional. Patterson, L. (2008). Marketing Metrics in Action: Creating a Performance-Driven Marketing Organization. Racom Communications. Philip, H. M. (2008). Discovery-Based Retail. Bascom Hill Publishing Group. Philip, K. P. and Kevin L. K. (2006). Marketing Management, 12th ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. Ries, A. and Trout, J. (2000). Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind (20th anniversary ed.) McGraw-Hill. Schultz, D. E. and Kitchen, P. J. (2000). Communicating Globally. Palgrave Macmillan. Zinderman, C. (2009). A Grown-up Emma Watson Models for Burberry. International Business Times. [online] available from [March 22, 2011]

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Development of Musical Literacy in Relation to the Learning of a Primary Language :: Musical Education Music Essays

The Development of Musical Literacy in Relation to the Learning of a Primary Language Many parents demolish their child’s chance to succeed before they send them off to their first day of kindergarten. So much of American society believes more or less that the talent and abilities of a child can only be as good as what was passed onto them from the genes of their parents. Therefore, before they even enter the school system, parents, teachers, and students alike hold high, average, or low expectations for the success of the child. These expectations can be held for all areas of school subject matter, but they tend to especially apply in areas where society considers talent instead of persistence to be one of the chief attributors of success. Such an area is music. I am always amazed at the amount of parents who are willing to say â€Å"Well, I’ve never been able to understand music, and my child certainly could not have inherited any kind of musical ability from me. Therefore, even if they really want to try to learn music, they probably won’t be very good at it.† This kind of rationality can at best set up the child to believe that they have a very small chance of being good at music, and cause them to give it a try anyway, and to keep persisting if they are met with a moderately surprising amount of success. Typically, a child will be resistant against any musical instruction they are faced with if they have been told either verbally or indirectly that they have not inherited any talent for it, and thus continue the cycle of â€Å"Well, I was never good in music, therefore my children won’t be either†. What would happen, however, if children were all raised from birth with the attitude that regard less of their background, they could all achieve amazing measures of success in whatever they tried to do? What would be the outcome of a society that believed talent was something that could be developed upon entrance into the world, instead of a set amount being instilled into a child based upon what they inherited from their parents? First, I would like to show that talent, especially musical talent, can be developed. Second, I would like to offer more successful ways of teaching children to develop these talents.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Biological Criminal Behavior

Tariff, diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic In 1 991, has a very long psychiatric history. After years and years of his family trying to et him committed and just going from one hospital to another the story was not getting any better. One week before the murder he was arrested for a violent behavior at one of the hospitals. With Just a slap on the hand, he was released Into the community to go on to kill Kathy Vaughan just the next week. David Tariff has been evaluated and committed more then a dozen times in his life time.Over the years he has been put on many of drugs to treat schizophrenic and bipolar such as lithium, Departed, Hallo, Carousel and Zappers and along with that, shock treatments have been given. After months of being in state hospitals and psychiatric reports, it has been determined that David Tariff is unfit to stand trial. After being found fit to stand trial in one county in Queens, New York another county in Manhattan says he Is not fit to stand trial.Tariff I s now back at Rulers Island, where his attorney says he is not taking his medication all the time and has been suicidal in the last couple of months. The psychopath is unable to feel sorry for others in unfortunate situations or put himself in another's place, whether or not they have been harmed by him. â€Å"They are all very egocentric individuals with no empathy for there, and they are Incapable of feeling remorse or guilt† (The Psychopath:Rebecca Horton, April 1999).The study of the psychopath reveals a person who is not capable 1 OFF the difference between right and wrong but think it does not apply to them. The psychopath is incapable of normal emotions such as love and they generally do things without first considering the consequences. So, the question is, Does biology play a key role in explaining the offender's criminality? Is there a real answer to this question? In this paper we are going to look at behaviors that constitute psychopath.We will also discuss the sp ecific behaviors demonstrated by David Tariff that align with behaviors of a psychopathic individual. We will also discuss the genetic or physiological evidence that supports the notion that biology played a key role in explaining the offender's crimes. Is David Tariff a psychopath or Just another person trying to get away murder? The answer is up to the reader I guess but so far Mr.. Tariff is where he wants to be and going to court in the near future.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pro choice among women essays

Pro choice among women essays An onlookers view of Pro Choice amongst women Many clinics provide abortion services for women with unplanned or uncontrollable pregnancies. Some women find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy rather than an uncontrollable one. Unplanned in fact that a contraceptive failed, or may not have been easily accessible: uncontrolled in the sense of factors being greater than limited contraception. Abortion has been performed in many clinics as a treatment for unfit or unhealthy women, and for women who may have been molested or raped. Abortion shouldnt be used as a form of contraception, nor should womens lives be sacrificed to bear an infant before morally ready to commit. If a woman is raped, and the outcome incurs pregnancy, then abortion is an alternate form of controlling the unwanted pregnancy. Abortion should stand as only the womans choice, never as a decision adverse to Pro-Life activists. Pro-Choice advocates seem to vindicate abortion, accepting that abortion is not considered a form of birth control, but me rely a method of controlling the woman and fetus future. Women are the sole determinate persons in stating if they are capable of withholding a full term pregnancy. As an advocate of womens rights to Pro choice, I am extending my viewpoints to you in this proposition. Many people have their opinions on abortion, usually being one extreme or the other. Advocates or Pro choice often finds themselves swaying their opinions of when abortion is morally ethical dependent upon the controlling factors. Advocates of Pro Life are consistently perusing abortion, stating that it is morally wrong, and unethical in all matters, even if the pregnancy is inadvertent. There are factors remaining in todays society that are very forthcoming and are unanticipated by women in the prevention of pregnancy. If medical doctors abolished the procedure, or if the government made it even mor...